D C H S - 3 4 5 5 0 S C A - 2   ( 0 4 )    IBM
                                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 3.5"/SLIMLINE         Cylinders        |     |     |
Capacity form/unform  4550/      MB        Heads           9|     |     |
Seek time   / track   7.5/ 2.0 ms          Sector/track     |     |     |
Controller           SCSI3 SI/WI/FA20/SC2  Precompensation
Cache/Buffer           512 KB MULTI-SEGMEN Landing Zone
Data transfer rate   10.300 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                     40.000 MB/S ext
Recording method     EPRML                          operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5 V          Temperature *C         5 50    |    -40 65
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %         5 90    |      5 95
       standby            W     Altitude    km    -0.304  3.048| -0.305 12.192
       idle               W     Shock        g        10       |
       seek               W     Rotation   RPM      7200
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit   ON THE FLY,SMART
                                MTBF         h
                                Warranty Month
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T

    68-Pin SCSI (Rear View)
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    ||| +------------------------1-+ |+-----1+|+-------+|||
    ||| |\::::::::::::::::::::::::/| ||::::::|||XXXXXXX||||
    ||| +--------------------------+ |+-----2+|+-------+|||
    ++                                                   ++

    50-Pin SCSI (Rear View)
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    ||| +-----------------------------------1+|+-------+|||
    ||| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|||XXXXXXX||||
    ||| +------------------------------------+|+-------+|||
    ++                                                   ++

    80-Pin SCSI (Rear View)
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |         +---------------------------------+         |
    ||        +1--------------------------------+        ||
    ||                                                   ||
    ++                                                   ++

     Jumper Pin locations all models (Front view)
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |                                                     |
    |||::::.:::::::::::::| oo |                          ||
    ++                                                   ++


                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper Setting

 Option Jumper Block(s)
 DCHS models contain a jumper block that can be used to enable certain
 features and select the SCSI ID of the drive. This jumper block is
 referred to as the Front Option Jumper Block due it's location on the
 drive (opposite the SCSI connector). This jumper block varies in pin
 definition based on interface type (50, 68, Differential, SCA). The
 Option Block connector (2 x 16) used on 50 pin models is an AMP
 connector (P/N 84156-4) having a pin spacing of 2mm.

 The Option Block connector (2 x 16) used on the 68 and 80 pin models
 is an AMP connector (P/N 84156-5) having a pin spacing of 2mm.
 68-pin models also contain a rear option jumper block that replicates
 some of the functions contained in the front block.

                                                   Power Enable
 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+
 |1*|03|05|07|xx|11|13|15|17|19|21|23|25|27|29|31| |  |  |
 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ |01|02|
 |2*|04|06|08|10|12|14|16|18|20|22|24|26|28|30|32| |  |  |
 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+

 Alternate Mode

    Option Block Mode (Jumper shown selecting Option Block Mode)
     |      BIT
     |   3  2  1  0
  --++-+-++-++-++-++ +--+--+
    |XX|25|27|29|31| |  |  |
   -+XX+--+--+--+--+ |01|02|
    |XX|26|28|30|32| |  |  |
    +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+

 Option Block Mode Pin
 The Option Block Mode pin is used to modify the function of the Front
 Option Jumper Block. When the Option Block Mode Pin is not grounded
 the pin function of the front Option Jumper Block will be as defined
 by the upper portion of the referenced figures. When the Option Block
 Mode Pin is grounded the pins (25, 27, 29, 31) will be redefined to
 control what is referred to as Alternate Mode. Alternate Mode allows
 tailoring of SCSI options such as boot up characteristics and other
 operational features on a per customer basis.

 50/68 Pin Model Single Ended
 Pin| Description
 01 | Bit 3 (MSB) (Do not exist in 50-pin models)--+
 03 | Bit 2                                      --+   Address
 05 | Bit 1                                      --+   Jumpers
 07 | Bit 0 (LSB)                                --+
 09 | Blank Polarity
 10 | Unused
 11 | Auto Start
 13 | +5V
 14 | Enable Active Termination
 15 | -Master Sync
 16 | -Slave Sync
 17 | External Activity LED
 18 | +5V
 19 | Write Protect
 21 | Auto Start Delay
 23 | Option Block Mode
 25 | Disable T.I. Sync Negotiations
 27 | Disable SCSI Parity
 29 | Disable Unit Attention
 31 | Customizing

 50/68 Pin Model Differential
 Pin| Description
 01 | Bit 3 (MSB) 68-pin models only             --+
 03 | Bit 2                                      --+   Address
 05 | Bit 1                                      --+   Jumpers
 07 | Bit 0 (LSB)                                --+
 09 | Blank Polarity
 10 | Unused
 11 | Auto Start
 13 | +5V*
 14 | Unused*
 15 | -Master Sync
 16 | -Slave Sync
 17 | External Activity LED
 18 | +5V
 19 | Write Protect
 21 | Auto Start Delay
 23 | Option Block Mode
 25 | Disable T.I. Sync Negotiations
 27 | Disable SCSI Parity
 29 | Disable Unit Attention
 31 | Customizing

 * Pin 13 is Enable Narrow Mode on 80Pin SCA and 68Pin differential
   Pin 14 is Ground on 80Pin SCA and 68Pin differential

 Pins 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 are Ground.

 68Pin Auxiliary Connector
   +----------------- +5V
   |  +-------------- Enable Active Termination
   |  |  +----------- SCSI ID 3
   |  |  |  +-------- SCSI ID 2
   |  |  |  |  +----- SCSI ID 1
   |  |  |  |  |  +-- SCSI ID 0
   |  |  |  |  |  +-- Unused
   |  |  |  |  +----- Auto Spin Start
   |  |  |  +-------- Slave Sync
   |  |  +----------- External Activity LED
   |  +-------------- Ground
   +----------------- Write Protect

 The 68Pin models contain an Auxiliary connector that replicates some
 of the functions contained in the Front Option Jumper Block. The
 Auxiliary connector signal definitions conforms to the SCSI document
 SFF-8009 Rev. 2 with the following exceptions:

 1. EXTERNAL FAULT (XTFALT-) is not supported on pin 2.

 2. AUTO SPIN START was chosen as the vendor unique'signal assignment
    (on pin 4). (This signal is an input to the drive. The SCSI spec
    (SCSI SFF-8009) specifies this pin as an output.) This signal
    should be useful for those applications that want to auto-start
    the drive based on location dependent SCSI ID.
    This pin should be handled in one of the following ways:
    a. tied to ground (auto spin start enabled)
    b. allowed to float (no connection)
    c. drive with an open collector driver (>1mA sink capability)

 50-Pin SCSI ID
   | SCSI ID  | MSB             LSB   |
   |          | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
   |    0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    6     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    7     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|

 68-Pin SCSI ID
   | SCSI ID  |       Jumper Location         |
   |          |             PINS              |
   |          | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 |
   |    0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    6     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    7     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    8     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    9     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |   10     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |   11     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |   12     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |   13     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |   14     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |

 Auto Start (& Delay) Pins
 The Auto Start and Auto Start Delay pins control when and how the
 drive can spin up and come ready. When configured for Auto-Startup,
 the motor spins up after power is applied without the need of a SCSI
 Start Unit command. For no Auto-Start, a SCSI Start Unit command is
 required to make the drive spin and be ready for media access
 operations. When in Auto-Start mode, the drive will delay it's start
 time by a period of time multiplied by it's own SCSI address.

 Pins (50 and 68 interface pin models)
   |Auto Start|Auto Start|Auto-Start|Delay|
   |Delay     |          |Mode ?    |(sec)|
   |OPEN      |OPEN      |NO        | NA  |
   |OPEN      |CLOSED    |YES       |  0  |
   |CLOSED    |OPEN      |YES       | 10  |
   |CLOSED    |CLOSED    |YES       |  4  |
 Auto-Startup Modes selectable by Auto-Start/Delay Pin Combinations

 Pins (80 interface pin models)
   |Auto Start|Auto Start|Auto-Start|Delay|
   |Delay     |          |Mode ?    |(sec)|
   |OPEN      |OPEN      |YES       |  0  |
   |OPEN      |CLOSED    |NO        | N/A |
   |CLOSED    |OPEN      |YES       | 10  |
   |CLOSED    |CLOSED    |NO        | N/A |
 Auto-Startup Modes selectable by Auto-Start/Delay Pin Combinations

 External Activity (LED) Pins
 The LED pins can be used to drive an external Light Emitting Diode.
 Up to 33 mA (  5%) of TTL level LED drive capability is provided.
 Current limiting for the LED is provided on the electronic card. The
 LED Anode may be tied to the +5V source provided on pin 18 of the
 Front Option Jumper block, pin 11 of the Auxiliary connector on the
 68-pin. Unitized connector or the +5V power source provided on the
 80-pin SCA model. The LED cathode is then connected to the EXTERNAL
 ACTIVITY Pin to complete the circuit.

 This set of pins can be used to drive an LED located in a bezel
 connected to the front of the drive or to an external LED in systems
 where the front of the drive can not be easily seen.

 68/80 pin SCSI models have two sets of pins, a set on the front and a
 set on the back, that are connected to the same LED driver circuit.
 The combined drive capability is stated above.

 Write Protect Pins
 If the Write Protect pin is jumpered to ground the drive will
 prohibit SCSI commands that alter the customer data area portion of
 the media from being performed. The state of this pin is monitored on
 a per command basis.

 Disable T.I.Sync. Negotiation Pins
 If a Disable Target Initiated Synchronous Negotiation pin is grounded
 then an Initiator is required to start a negotiation handshake if
 Synchronous and/or Wide (Double Byte) SCSI transfers are desired.

 Disable SCSI Parity Pins
 Grounding this pin will disable SCSI Parity checking.

 Disable Unit Attention Pins
 Grounding this pin will disable the drive from building Unit
 Attention Sense information for commands immediately following a
 Power On Reset (POR) or SCSI Bus Reset. Any pending Unit Attention
 conditions will also be cleared at POR or SCSI Reset times.

 Customizing Pin
 The customizing pin is currently reserved for future use.

 Enable Narrow Mode
 Jumpering pin 14 to pin 13 will cause the 68 pin Differential or the
 80 pin SCA to operate in a Single Byte mode. The drive will not
 negotiate for Wide (Double Byte) operation. The drive will terminate
 the unused upper byte and upper byte parity on the SCSI Bus.

 Enable Active Termination
 Upon request, Single Ended 50 and 68 pin models are available with on
 card SCSI bus Active terminators. For those cards having the Active
 Termination feature, this function can be enabled by installing a
 jumper between pins 13 and 14 of the Front Option Jumper Block or
 connecting pins 9 and 11 of the Auxiliary Connector on 68 SCSI pin

 SCSI Bus Termination Power
 Termination Power is optionally provided for systems that desire to
 use it. In order to use the termination power, the user needs to
 install a jumper between pins 01 and 02 of the TermPower Block. The
 jumper should only be installed on one device, which should be the
 last device on the SCSI bus (i.e. the drive that is phydically
 closest to a terminator). 68 pin models can source up to 2.0 Amps of
 current at 5.0 Volts ( 5%) for termination power. 50 pin models can
 source up to 1.5 Amps of current at 5.0 Volts ( 5%) for termination


                      I   N   S   T   A   L   L

 Notes On Installation

 Installation direction

     horizontally                           vertically
   +-----------------+             +--+                       +--+
   |                 |             |  +-----+           +-----+  |
   |                 |             |  |     |           |     |  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  +-----+           +-----+  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           +--+                       +--+
   |                 |
   |                 |

 The drive will operate in all axis (6 directions).

 DC Power
 The DC power connector is designed to mate with AMP part 1-480424
 (using AMP pins P/N 350078-4). Equivalent connectors may be used.

 PACKAGING: The drive must be protected against Electro-Static
 Discharge especially when being handled. The safest way to avoid
 damage is to put the drive in an anti static bag before ESD wrist
 straps etc are removed. Drives should only be shipped in approved
 containers, severe damage can be caused to the drive if the
 packaging does not adequately protect against the shock levels
 induced when a box is dropped. Consult your IBM marketing
 representative if you do not have an approved shipping container.

 50 Pin SCSI Signal Connector
 50 pin models use an AMP PN 84160-1 connector. The connector is
 compatible with the ANSI SCSI 'A' connector specifications. It is
 limited to 8 bit data transfers only.

 68 Pin SCSI Signal Connector
 68 pin models use an AMP connector (PN 786963-1) that is compatible
 with the ANSI SCSI 'P' connector specifications. It can transfer
 data in both 8 bit (narrow) and 16 bit (wide) modes. Both
 single-ended and differential versions are supported.

 The differential 68 pin models are electrically compatible with
 differential 50 pin models and other 50 pin differential SCSI
 products and therefore can coexist on the same bus. In order to do
 so, the differences in connector types would need to be accounted
 for in the cable. Connecting 68 and 50 pin single-ended models to
 the same bus can also coexist. Differential and single-ended models
 do not work connected to the same bus.

 80 Pin (Single Connector Attachment) Connector
 80 pin SCA-2 models use an AMP connector (PN 5-917593-9) that is
 compatible with the specification of: 'Single Connector Attachment
 for Small SCSI Disk Drives' SFF 8046. It can transfer data in both 8
 bit (Narrow) and 16 bit (wide) modes.

 Note: The 'SCA-2' connector is not mechanically compatible with the
 50 pin 'A' connector or Hot plug/unplug support the 68 pin 'P'
 connector as defined in the ANSI SCSI standard. This connector
 is intended for direct backplane attachment and is not intended
 to be cable attached to the bus.

 SCSI Bus Cable
 Single-ended models permit cable lengths of up to 6 metres (19.68
 feet). It should be noted however that users who plan to use "Fast"
 data transfers with single-ended models should follow all of the
 ANSI SCSI guidelines for single-ended "Fast" operations. This may
 include a cable length of less than 6 metres. SCSI 3 Fast 20 models
 can be cable connected to a 3 metre (9.8 feet) cable when a maximum
 of 4 devices are attached, and a 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) cable with up
 to 8 devices attached. SCA-2 connector models are not designed for
 direct cable attachment due to the combination of power and SCSI
 bus signals. "Fast & Fast 20" data transfers with SCA models
 should follow all of the ANSI SCSI guidelines.

 Differential models permit cable lengths of up to 25 metres
 (82.02 feet). Cables must meet the requirements for differential
 cables as set forth in the ANSI SCSI standard under "Cable
 Requirements -Differential Cable". The ANSI SCSI standard
 states that any stub from main cable must not exceed 0.1 metres for
 single-ended cables and 0.2 metres for differential cables.

 Ultrastar 2XP has a maximum internal stub length of 0.05 metres on
 all 'single-ended' SCSI signals, and 0.1 metres on all 'differential'
 SCSI signals. To remain compliant with the standard the SCSI bus
 cable must not add more than 0.05 metres additional stub length to
 any of the single-ended SCSI signals or 0.1 metres to any
 differential SCSI signals.

 80 pin SCA models do not have internal SCSI bus terminators.

 Differential models do not have internal SCSI bus terminators.

 Note: A Meritec model 940900-4 or a DataMate DM5000-5068-11 can be
 used to connect a 68 pin connector to a 50 pin connector. The drive
 will now perform 8 bit transfers.

 50 Pin Model    68 Pin Model
 Terminators     Terminators
 Data Mate       Data Mate
 DM550-05-0      DM2050-01-68D

 50 Pin Model    68 Pin Model
 Terminators     Terminators
 Data Mate       Data Mate
 DM2000-02-R     DM2050-02-68S D
 M500-06-R       DM2050-02-68R

 For proper cooling it is suggested that a clearance of 7 mm be
 provided under the drive and on top of the drive.


                      F   E   A   T   U   R   E  S

 IBM OEM has introduced a new range of disk drives intended for
 advanced-storage applications which demand fast access to large
 amounts of data. The drives spin at 7200 rpm have an EPRML channel,
 embedded sector servo, S.M.A.R.T and media data rate 10.3-15.4MB/s.

 - Technical/commercial workstations

 - Network servers

 - Mass storage arrays

 - High end personal computers

 - Large scale imaging and graphics

 - Video servers

 - Video editing Applications

 SCSI 2 FAST (50 Pin Single-Ended)
 SCSI 2 FAST (68 Pin Single-Ended and Differential)
 SCSI 3 FAST 20 (68 Pin Single-Ended and Differential)
 SCSI 3 FAST 20 (80 Pin Single-Ended SCA-2)

 PACKAGING: The drive must be protected against Electro-Static
 Discharge especially when being handled. The safest way to avoid
 damage is to put the drive in an anti static bag before ESD wrist
 straps etc are removed. Drives should only be shipped in approved
 containers, severe damage can be caused to the drive if the
 packaging does not adequately protect against the shock levels
 induced when a box is dropped. Consult your IBM marketing
 representative if you do not have an approved shipping container.

 For proper cooling it is suggested that a clearance of 7 mm be
 provided under the drive and on top of the drive.

 Operating Shock
 No permanent damage will occur to the drive when subjected to a 10 G
 half sine wave shock pulse of 11 milliseconds duration. The shock
 pulses are applied in each of three mutually perpendicular axis,
 one axis at a time.

 Nonoperating Shock
 No damage will occur if the unpackaged drive is subjected to a
 square wave shock less than 35 Gs applied to all three axis for
 a period of 20 milliseconds, one direction at a time.

 Additionally, no damage will occur if the unpackaged drive is not
 subjected to an 11 millisecond half sine wave shock greater than
 70 Gs applied to all three axis, one direction at a time.