H P   C 3 7 2 4 S C    HEWLETT PACKARD
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 3.5"/SLIMLINE         Cylinders    3610|     |     |
Capacity form/unform  1200/      MB        Heads           5|     |     |
Seek time   / track  10.0/ 2.5 ms          Sector/track     |     |     |
Controller           SCSI2 SI/FAST/SCA     Precompensation
Cache/Buffer           512 KB DUAL-PORTED  Landing Zone
Data transfer rate    5.700 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                     10.000 MB/S ext SYNC
Recording method     RLL 1/7                        operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C         5 50    |    -40 65
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %         8 80    |      5 90
       standby            W     Altitude    km    -0.305  3.048| -0.305 15.240
       idle               W     Shock        g        10       |     50
       seek               W     Rotation   RPM      5400
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA        35
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit   ON THE FLY,REED SOLOMON
                                MTBF         h     800000
                                Warranty Month
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates     CSA,IEC950,TUV,UL1950,VDE

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T

  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX J3
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX I
  |                                                         |XX N
  |                                                         |XX T
  |                                                         |XX E
  |12+Option                                                |XX R
  || |Pinset                                                |XX F
  || |                             Terminator  1-+          |XX A
  || |                             Power Source| |J4        |XX C
  || |                             Options     3-+          |XX E
  || |                                                      |1X
  |1-+                                                      |
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX Power
  +---------------------------------------------------------+  1

        Front View
      |                                                      |
      |                                                      |
      |      Option Pinset                                   |
      |  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+----------------------+  |
      |  | +1+2+3+4+5+-+7+8+-10+11-12                     |  |

        Rear View
      |                                                      |
      |                                                      |
      |  SCSI Connector                               Power  |
      +--------------------- ----------------------1---------+


                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper Setting

 Option Pinset

                        GND |o  o| 1  WRITE PROTECT
                   SCSI-1/2 |o  o| 2  RESERVED (LEAVE OPEN)
                        GND |o  o| 3  SDTR/UA
                        +5V |o  o| 4  LED DRIVER
                        GND |o  o| 5  AUTO SPIN-UP
                            |    | 6  NO PINS
                        GND |o  o| 7  SCSI PIN 29
                SCSI PIN 29 |o  o| 8  SYNC SPINDLE SIGNAL
                            |    | 9  NO PINS
                        GND |o  o|10  UNIT SELECT 3
                        GND |o  o|11  UNIT SELECT 2
                        GND |o  o|12  UNIT SELECT 1

       4 3 2 1
       o o xxx | Jumper location to force drive to respond as a SCSI-1
         o o o | device

       4 3 2 1
       o X o o | Jumper location to enable SDTR, or disable unit
         X o o | Attention

 Pins 1 Write Protect
   OPEN   Drive looks at Mode Page header and responds accordingly;
          Default = NOT write protected
   CLOSED Drive is forced into the Write Protect Mode.

 Pins 2  SCSI-1/SCSI-2
 When the SCSI-1/2 pin is active, and if the SCSI-1 mode is required,
 the jumper must be placed sideways.

   If the SCSI-1/2 pin is active
   OPEN   Drive looks at Mode Page 09, byte 8, bit 4 and responds
          accordingly; default = SCSI-2
   CLOSED Drive is forced to respond as a SCSI-1 device

 Pins 3 SDTR/UA
 Mode Select page 23H determines whether the SDTR/UA (unit Attention)
 pin is active or not.

 When active, Mode Select page 23H determines whether the pin
 functions as SDTR or Unit Attention.

 If the SDTR function is active:
   OPEN   Inhibit drive initiation of SDTR message
   CLOSED Enable drive initiation of SDTR message at Power-On and

 If the Unit Attention function is active:
   OPEN   Enable Unit Attention
   CLOSED Inhibit Unit Attention

 Pins 4 LED Driver
 An LED requiring 10 ma may be connected across pinset 4.

 Pins 5 Auto Spin-Up
   OPEN   Drive will not spin up until Initiator sends Start Unit
   CLOSED Drive will spin up automatically at Power-On

 Pins 7, 8  SCSI pin 29
   Note: Pinsets 7 and 8 have no effect if Sync Spindle Mode is

   7 and 8 OPEN       Not Allowed

   7 OPEN, 8 CLOSED   Connects Sync Spindle line to SCSI pin 29. When
                      Pinset 8 is CLOSED, pinset 7 MUST be OPEN.

   7 CLOSED, 8 OPEN   Connects SCSI pin 29 to ground. Upper pin of
                      pinset 8 is sync output in Master mode, or sync
                      input in Slave mode. When pinset 7 is shorted,
                      pinset 8 must be open.

   7 CLOSED, 8 CLOSED Not Allowed

 Pins 10,11,12 SCSI Address
   | SCSI     |          Pins         |
   | Adress   |  10   |  11   |  12   |
   |    0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    6     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    7     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|

 J4 Terminator Power Source Options
 The single-ended drive is shipped with active terminator circuits
 installed. When installing multiple drives on the SCSI channel, the
 terminators must be disabled on all but the last drive in the chain.
 When the Terminator Enable jumper is installed, the terminator IC is
 active on the drive's SCSI bus connector; when removed, the
 terminator, are disconnect from the SCSI connector.

 Active terminators should be powered by Terminator voltage (TermPwr)
 whwnever the drive is connected to an active SCSI bus to avoid
 exceeding the bus high-state input current specification.
 The Terminator Power jumper determines the TermPwr source as listed

    1   Terminator Enable
    OPEN   On-board active terminators disabled. Terminators not
           connected to SCSI Connector.
    CLOSED On-board active terminators enabled and connected to SCSI
           bus. TermPwr source determined by placement of Terminator
           Power pinset jumper.

    3   Terminator Power
    OPEN   TermPwr for on-board terminators provided by the drive
           only. Drive TermPwr is not connected to SCSI connector pin
    CLOSED TermPwr for on-board terminators provided by the drive, and
           drive, and drive TermPwr is connected to SCSI connector pin


                      I   N   S   T   A   L   L

 Notes on installation

 Installation direction

     horizontally                           vertically
   +-----------------+             +--+                       +--+
   |                 |             |  +-----+           +-----+  |
   |                 |             |  |     |           |     |  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  +-----+           +-----+  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           +--+                       +--+
   |                 |
   |                 |

 Mounting Clearances
 Maintain a minimum clearance of 0.040 in. (1.0 mm) between any system
 structure and the top, bottom (PCA), sides (for bottom mounting) and
 ends of the disk drive. For side mounting, minimize the contact be-
 tween the drive and any system structure.

 Maintain a minimum clearance of 0.04 in. (1.0 mm) between any system
 structure and any PCA component.

 Use 6-32 UNC screws with flat washers under the heads and torque them
 to 15 inch-pounds (1.7 Newton-meters).

 When mounted, the screws should not protrude more than 0.25 in. (6.35
 mm) into the disk driveside or bottom mounting holes.

 DC Power and pin connector assignments
 --+  +------------+|  pin 1    +12 VDC +10%
  1|  | 4  3  2  1 ||  pin 2    +12 Volts Return
  -+  +------------+|  pin 3    + 5 Volts Return
  ------------------+  pin 4    + 5 VDC +5%