I M P U L S E   4 0   S C S I    PLUS DEVELOP.
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 3.5"/HH               Cylinders     834|     |     |
Capacity form/unform    42/      MB        Heads           3|     |     |
Seek time   / track  19.0/ 6.0 ms          Sector/track   35|     |     |
Controller           SCSI1 SINGLE-ENDED    Precompensation 65535
Cache/Buffer            64 KB              Landing Zone      833
Data transfer rate    1.250 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                      4.000 MB/S ext SYNC
Recording method     RLL 2/7                        operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C         4 50    |    -40 65
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %         8 85    |      5 95
       standby            W     Altitude    km    -0.060  3.000| -0.060 12.000
       idle           8.0 W     Shock        g        10       |     60
       seek               W     Rotation   RPM
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit
                                MTBF         h      50000
                                Warranty Month        24
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates                                  

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T

  |                                         A2 A1 A0         |
  |                              JP1 +-+-+-++-+-+-+    RP12++|XX
  |                                  +-+-+-++-+-+-+        |||XX
  |                                  SS EP WS              |||XX
  |                                                        ++|XX
  |                                                    RP11++|XX SCSI
  |                                             Terminators|||XX J2
  |                                                        |||.X
  |                                                        ++|XX
  |                                                    RP10++|XX
  |                                                        |||XX
  |                                                        |||XX
  |                                                        ++|XX
  |                                                          |XX
  |                                                          |  1
  |                                                          |XX
  |                                                          |XX J3
  +----------------------------------------------------------+  1


                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper Setting

 x = Jumper set at factory

 Jumper Options
  | Jumper  | Setting   | Description                               |
  |   SS    | OPEN   x  | Self-seek test disabled                   |
  |         | CLOSED    | Self-seek test enabled                    |
  |   EP    | CLOSED x  | Parity checking enabled                   |
  |         | OPEN      | Parity checking disabled                  |
  |   WS    | OPEN   x  | Wait/Spin disabled                        |
  |         | CLOSED    | Wait/Spin enabled                         |
  |   A2    | CLOSED x  | A0, A1, and A2 are used in combination to |
  |   A1    | CLOSED x  | determine the drive's SCSI ID. The default|
  |   A0    | OPEN   x  | value is six.                             |

 SS  Self-Seek Jumper
 The self seek test continuously exercises the actuator of the drive.
 To enable the self-seek test, install a jumper across the SS pins.
 Alternatively, the host can initiate a self-seek test by issuing a
 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command, with the self-seek bit set to one.

 When power is applied to the drive with the self-seek test enabled,
 the drive initiates a self-seek test. The SCSI-bus device
 identification (SCSI ID) currently selected determines the self-seek
 test performed.

  - If the SCSI ID is set to 6 (factory default), the drive will
    perform random seek patterns, verifying target ID's after every
    seek. The pattern will repeat as long as power is applied to the
    drive or until an error has occurred.

  - If the SCSI ID is set to any value other than 6, the drive will
    perform a bufferfly seek pattern, beginning with a single track
    seek at the middle cylinders and extending out to a full stroke
    seek. The pattern will repeat as long as power is applied to the

 The self-seek test continously exercises the drive actuator until
 the jumper is removed from the SS jumper pins.

 ProDrive 40/80/105S drives are shipped from the factory with jumper
 SS not installed (self test disabled).

 EP  Enable Parity Jumper
 The EP jumper option controls the checking of parity across the
 SCSI bus. When this jumper is installed, parity generation and
 parity checking of data across the SCSI bus is enabled. With this
 jumper removed, parity checking is not performed, although parity is
 still generated.

 ProDrive 40/80/105S drives are shipped from the factory with jumper
 EP installed (parity enabled).

 WS  Wait/Spin Jumper
 The WS jumper controls the Wait/Spin option. When a jumper is
 installed on the WS pins, the ProDrive 40/80/105S motor will not spin
 on power-up  until the host sends the START/STOP UNIT command across
 the SCSI bus. This permits power sequencing so that the system power
 supply is not overloaded by multiple devices demanding peak start
 current at the same time. Once the drive receives the Start/STOP UNIT
 command, it will be ready within 15 seconds. When the WS jumper is
 not installed, the motor will automatically start spinning upon
 power up and be ready within 15 seconds.

 ProDrive 40/80/105S disk drives are shipped from the factory with
 jumper WS not installed (Wait/Spin option disabled).

 A2/A1/A0  SCSI-Bus Device Identification
 The SCSI bus can support up to eight devices, including the host
 system. The identification number of each device determines its
 priority level. Prior to installing the ProDrive 40/80/105S hard
 disk drive, you must choose its SCSI-device identification number.

 Jumpers installed across three pair of jumper pins - A2, A1 and A0 -
 in various combinations permit the assignment of the drive's
 identification number. These three pairs of jumper together comprise
 a 3-bit binary number, in which A2 is the most-significant bit and A0
 is the least significant bit. With a jumper installed, a pair of pins
 represents a 1; with no jumper installed a 0. Thus, with jumpers
 installed across all of the pins, the device identification is 7;
 with no jumpers installed, the device identification is 0.

 Quantum ships the ProDrive 120/170/210S hard disk drive from the
 factory with the A2 and A1 jumpers installed - that is, the drive's
 default SCSI-device identification is 6. If the jumpers are changed,
 the new device identification takes effect at the next power on.

   | SCSI ID  |        Jumpers        |
   |          |  A2   |  A1   |  A0   |
   |    0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |x   6     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    7     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|

 The SCSI bus supports up to eigth devices, including the host system.
 A device's identification number determines its priority and must be
 unique in the system.

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