N D   P 0 - 1 2 S    NEWBURY DATA
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 5.25"/FH              Cylinders    1795|     |     |
Capacity form/unform  1051/ 1224 MB        Heads          15|     |     |
Seek time   / track  13.0/ 2.0 ms          Sector/track   77|     |     |
Controller           SCSI1 SINGLE-ENDED    Precompensation
Cache/Buffer           256 KB              Landing Zone
Data transfer rate    3.000 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                      5.000 MB/S ext
Recording method     RLL                            operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C        10 50    |    -40 60
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %         8 80    |      8 80
       standby            W     Altitude    km    -0.305  3.048| -0.305 12.192
       idle               W     Shock        g         5       |     20
       seek          26.0 W     Rotation   RPM      3600
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA        45
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit
                                MTBF         h     150000
                                Warranty Month
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates     CSA,FCC,IEC380,IEC950,UL47...

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T

  +----------------------+             +--------------------+
  |                      +-------------+          JP11+ +JP10XX
  |                      +----J4-------+             ++ ++  |XX
  |                      +-------------+             RN8++  |XX
  |                                                     ||  |XX
  |  ORIGINAL FABRICATION                               ++  |XX J1
  |                                        Resistor  RN6++  |XX
  |                                        Networks     ||  |XX
  |                                                     ++  |XX
  |                    +----------+                  RN3++  |XX
  |                    |          |  +---+              ||  +---+
  |+--+                |   U7     |  |U13|              ++   +-+|
  ||  |                |          |  +---+        JP6+ +JP5  +-+J6
  ||J5|                |          |     ++JP2       ++ ++    +-+|
  ||  |                +----------+     ++    +-------+      | |J2
  |+--+                       +----+ +----+   |  U1   |     ++-++
  |                           | U3 | | U2 |   |       |     |XX Power
  |                           +----+ +----+   +-------+     |XX J3

  +----------------------+             +--------------------+
  |                      +-------------+          JP11+ +JP10XX
  |                      +----J4-------+             ++ ++  |XX
  |                      +-------------+           RN14+1312|XX
  |                                   +JP9            |||||||XX
  |  COMMON FABRICATION               ++              ++++++|XX J1
  |                         RN7+    +RN6           RN10++9+8|XX
  |                           ||    ||                |||||||XX
  |                           ++    ++                ++++++|XX
  |                                                RN15++4+3|XX
  |                      +JP8   +--JP4                ||||||+---+
  |+--+                  ++     +--+        +--JP3    ++++++ +-+JP6
  ||  |                                     +--+             +-+J6
  ||J5|                                                      +-+JP13
  ||  |              +--JP7                           JP5+   +-+J2
  |+--+              +--+                               ++  ++-++
  |                                  JP12--++--JP1          |XX Power
  |                                     +--++--+            |XX J3


                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper setting

 x = Jumpers set at factory

 Note: The user selectable options listed in this chapter are
 implemented with jumpers and/or connectors unique to the printed
 circuit boards (PCBs).

 Original Fabrication Resistor Networks
 Pin 1 for each of the resistor networks (RN8, RN6 and RN3) is de-
 noted by a dot. Pin 1 should always be aligned toward connector J3.

 Common Fabrication Resistor Networks
 Pin 1 for each of the resistor networks is denoted by a dot. Pin 1
 should always be aligned toward connector J3. For single ended
 operation, resistor networks RN14, RN10 and RN5 (shaded) should be
 installed. For differential operation, resistor networks RN12, RN8,
 RN3, RN13, RN9 and RN4 (dashed outlines) should be installed.

 Original Fabrication  Jumper settings
 JP2  Write Protect
      IN = Drive is Write Protected

 JP5  Slave Sync. Termination
      IN = Slave Sync. Terminated to 150 Ohms

 JP6  Master Sync. Termination
      IN = Master Sync. Terminated to 150 Ohms

 JP10 SCSI Termination Power (Host)
      IN = Power Supplied by Host

 JP11 SCSI Termination Power (Drive)
      IN = Power Supplied by Drive

 Common Fabrication Jumper settings
 JP5  Slave Sync. Termination
      IN = Slave Sync. Terminated to 150 Ohms

 JP6  Master Sync. Termination
      IN = Master Sync. Terminated to 150 Ohms

 JP10 SCSI Termination Power (Host)
      IN = Power Supplied by Host

 JP11 SCSI Termination Power (Drive)
      IN = Power Supplied by Drive

 JP13 SCSI Parity Disable
      IN = Parity Disabled

 J2  Original Fabrication SCSI ID Selection

        |3  1|       |9 o o o 1|
        |4  2|       10 o o o 2|
        +----+       +---------+
 Pin 1         = Remote -LED
 Pin 2         = Remote +LED
 Pin 4         = SCSI Parity Disable
 Pins 6, 8, 10 = SCSI ID

 Note: Pins 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tied to ground.

     |        |           |  J2 Connector Pins    |
     |SCSI ID | Priority  |  5-6    7-8    9-10   |
     |   0    | Lowest    |  OPEN   OPEN   OPEN   |
     |   1    |   .       |  OPEN   OPEN   CLOSED |
     |   2    |   .       |  OPEN   CLOSED OPEN   |
     |   3    |   .       |  OPEN   CLOSED CLOSED |
     |   4    |   .       |  CLOSED OPEN   OPEN   |
     |   5    |   .       |  CLOSED OPEN   CLOSED |
     |x  6    |   .       |  CLOSED CLOSED OPEN   |
     |   7    | Highest   |  CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED |

 Sufficient jumpers are available for any address except seven, which
 is usually reserved for the host system.

 J2  Common Fabrication SCSI ID Selection

        |3  1|       |2 o o o 10
        |4  2|       |1 o o o 9|
        +----+       +---------+
 Pins 2, 4, 6 = SCSI ID
 Pin 8        = Write Protect
 Pin 9        = Remote -LED
 Pin 10       = Remote +LED

 Note: Pins 1, 3, 5 and 7 are tied to ground.

     |        |           |  J2 Connector Pins    |
     |SCSI ID | Priority  |  1-2    3-4    5-6    |
     |   0    | Lowest    |  OPEN   OPEN   OPEN   |
     |   1    |   .       |  OPEN   OPEN   CLOSED |
     |   2    |   .       |  OPEN   CLOSED OPEN   |
     |   3    |   .       |  OPEN   CLOSED CLOSED |
     |   4    |   .       |  CLOSED OPEN   OPEN   |
     |   5    |   .       |  CLOSED OPEN   CLOSED |
     |x  6    |   .       |  CLOSED CLOSED OPEN   |
     |   7    | Highest   |  CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED |

 Sufficient jumpers are available for any address except seven, which
 is usually reserved for the host system.

 When a LED is connected to the +LED and -LED pins on J2, that LED
 functions in the same manner as the LED which is mounted on the disk
 drive's faceplate. This is typically used in cases where the drive is
 positioned with the LED not visible and the faceplate removed.

 J6  Spindle Synchronization Control Option
        |3  1|       |   J2    |
        |4  2|       |         |
        +----+       +---------+

 Pin 1 = Gnd
 Pin 2 = Master Sync
 Pin 3 = Reserved
 Pin 4 = Slave Sync

 This feature allows multiple drives to synchronize the angular
 position of their spindles such that their INDEX signals line up to
 within  40 microseconds of each other.

 The drives are connected together with a twisted pair cable to
 connectpins 1 through 4 of J6 to the same pins of all the other
 drives that can be locked together. This cable can optionally be
 connected to a 60 Hertz system clock. The spindles are synchronized
 with a once per revolution pulse on the SLAVE SYNC pin (pin 4 of J6).

 Note: The configuration of J6 is the same for all PCB fabrications.

 Rotational Position Locking (RPL)
 The Rotational Position Locking (RPL) and Rotational Offset fields in
 Mode Select Page 4 are used to control the spindle synchronization.
 The two bits of the RPL field select one of four modes for rotational
 position locking.

  | RPL |  Mode                                                      |
  | 00b | Indicates that spindle synchronization is disabled         |
  | 01b | The drive operates as a synchronized-spindle slave         |
  | 10b | The drive operates as a synchronized-spindle master        |
  | 11b | The drive operates as a synchronized-spindle master control|

 With 00b in the RPL field the drive spindle will be unsynchronized.
 The unsynchronized drive will not output on the SLAVE SYNC or MASTER
 SYNC pins. It will ignore pilses on the SLAVE SYNC pin. The default
 is the UNSYNCHRONIZED mode.

 A drive operating as a slave synchronizes its INDEX to the pulse on
 the SLAVE SYNC pin. The drive synchronizes the first edge of the
 INDEX pulse to the rising edge of the SLAVE SYNC pulse. SLAVE SYNC is
 an open collector TTL signal with a frequency of 60 Hertz   0.25%. A
 slave has 01b in the RPL field.

 The one pulse per revolution on the SLAVE SYNC can come directly from
 a drive configured to be a master. The master drive spins autonom-
 ously and outputs a pulse which concides with its INDEX on pin 4 of
 J6. There must only be one master on the cable. A master has 10b in
 the RPL field.

 A drive can provide a 60 Hertz signal on the MASTER SYNC pin (pin 2
 of J6). A drive configured to do this is in the MASTER CONTROL mode
 with 11b in the RPL field. Another device can buffer this signal and
 transmit it on the SLAVE SYNC pin. A drive in the MASTER CONTROL mode
 synchronizes its INDEX to SLAVE SYNC pulses received independent of
 the pulses it output on the MASTER SYNC pin.

 JP5/JP6 Termination
 The master synchronization and slave synchronization wires are driven
 by the drives with open collector drivers. These drivers can sink
 over 300 milliamps, allowing both ends of the cable to be terminated
 with pull up resistors to +5 volts DC. For best results, terminate
 both of the cable with the characteristic impedance of the cable
 connected to +5 volts DC. Jumper JP5 will connect slave synchroniza-
 tion to a 150 ohm resistor to +5 volts DC. Jumper JP6 will connect
 master synchronization to a 150 ohm resistor to +5 volts DC.

 Power-up Sequencing
 When a drive is commanded to be a slave, it checks the frequency of
 the SLAVE SYNC pulses before it synchronizes to it. In a system of
 drives, SLAVE SYNC pulses should be present before drives are
 commanded to be slaves. This can be done by commanding a ready drive
 to be a master, or the controller can generate SLAVE SYNC. The
 controller may also command a drive to be a master control and buffer
 the received MASTER SYNC pulses.

 JP1/JP12  Drive Power-Up Options
 Note: This section only applies to drives with the Common Fabrication
 PCB. All other drives will, by default, start when power is applied.

   | JP1   | JP12  | Mode                           |
   | OPEN  | OPEN  | Start by ID sequence           |
   | OPEN  | CLOSED| Start after 11-13 second delay |
   | CLOSED| OPEN  | Wait for START command         |
   |xCLOSED| CLOSED| Start when power is applied    |

 In order to allow for system power supply constraints, which may
 require minimizing surge current when powering up multiple disk
 drives, four modes of start-up sequencing are provided.

 Start by ID sequence
 The disk drive delays spinup for approximately 11 to 13 seconds
 multiplied by the SCSI ID. This allows power-up sequencing.

 Start after 11-13 second delay
 The disk drive delays spinup for approximately 11 to 13 seconds.

 Wait for START command
 The disk drives does not spinup until the initiator issues a START
 STOP UNIT command with the start bit equal to one.

 Start when power is applied
 The motor starts as soon as power is applied.

 JP10/JP11  Terminator Power Selection
    JP10  CLOSED Terminator power is external, from the SCSI bus.
    JP11  OPEN

 x  JP11  CLOSED Terminator power is internal, from the drive.
    JP10  OPEN

    JP10  CLOSED Terminator power is provided from the
    JP11  CLOSED drive and to the SCSI bus. Hence, the drive is at one
                 end of the SCSI bus with terminators in place and id
                 also supplying terminator power for the device at the
                 other end of the SCSI bus.

 J2 Pin 7-8/JP2  Write Protect Option
 The write protect jumper is JP2 for the original fabrication PCB.
 For the common fabrication OCB the write protect jumper is on pins 7
 and 8 of connector J2.

    J2/JP2  CLOSED Data cannot be written to the drive; only READ
                   operations can be executed.
    x       OPEN   Allowing normal reading/writing.

 J2 Pins 3-4/JP13  Parity Option
 The parity jumper is on pins 3 and 4 of connector J2 for the original
 fabrication PCB. For the common fabrication PCB the parity jumper is

  x J2/JP13 OPEN   Enables odd parity detection in the drive.
            CLOSED Disables odd parity detection in the drive.

 Odd parity is always generated by the drive and provided to the SCSI

 Other Jumpers
 Other jumper positions not shown or not described herein are not user
 selectable. These jumpers are for factory use only. Improper
 operation may occur if non-user jumpers are changed.

 J3   DC Power and pin connector assignments
      +------------+   pin 1    +12 VDC Supply
      | 4  3  2  1 |   pin 2    +12 V Ground Return
      +------------+   pin 3    + 5 V Ground Return
                       pin 4    + 5 VDC Supply


                      I   N   S   T   A   L   L

 Notes on Installation

 Installation direction

     horizontally                           vertically
   +-----------------+             +--+                       +--+
   |                 |             |  +-----+           +-----+  |
   |                 |             |  |     |           |     |  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  +-----+           +-----+  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           +--+                       +--+
   |                 |
   |                 |

 The drive will operate in all axis (6 directions).

 The drive may be mounted on any axis. In any final mounting
 configuration, ensure that the operation of the three shock mounts
 which isolate the base casting from the frame is not restricted.
 Certain switching power suppplies may emanate electrical noise, which
 can degrade the specified read error rate. For best results, orient
 the drive so that the PCB assembly is not adjacent to these noise

 Eight mounting holes, four on the bottom and two on each side, are
 provided for mounting the drive into an enclosure. The size and
 location of these holes are identical to industry standard floppy

 Caution: The casting is very close to the frame mounting holes in
 some locations. Mounting screws lengths must be chosen such that no
 more than 0.125 inch of the screw is available to enter the frame
 mounting hole. The torque applied to the mounting screws must be
 between 9 and 12 inch pounds.

 Installation Requirements
 The Panther SCSI disk drive must operate in a temperature range be-
 tween 50*F and 122*F (10*C and 50*C). The drive should be installed
 in applications where temperature extremes outside of this range are

 To maintain proper operating temperature, the Panther SCSI disk drive
 must be mounted in such a way as to ensure adequate airflow across
 the PCB.

 Caution: These requirements must be met to ensure proper functioning
 of the drive. If they are not met, data loss and/or permanent damage
 to the drive will result.

 J1 SCSI Connector
 Connection to J1 is via a non-shielded fifty-pin connector,
 consisting of two rows of twenty-five female contacts on 0.1 inch
 centers. Recommended strain-relief connectors are AMP part-number
 1-499506-2, or Dupont part number 669002 (66900-250). Use of a keyed
 connector is recommended.

 J2 Auxiliary Connector (Jumper Bank)
 Connector J2 is an auxiliary connector providing remote or local
 control of SCSI ID, and the ability to carry the LED signal beyond
 the drive. The auxiliary connector is a Berg 68451-121, ten-pin part.
 The mating connector is a 3M 3473-6010 part.

 J3 Power Connector
 The four-pin DC power connector J3 is similar to AMP's MATE-N-LOCK
 connector, part number 350542-1. J3 however, is surface mounted to
 the PCB rather than free-hanging as the AMP part is. The recommended
 socket housing that is compatible with connector J3 is AMP part
 number 1-480424-0. The recommended female socket part numbers
 350078-4 (strip) or 61173-4 (loose piece).

 J4 Ground Tab
 The DC ground connector is a Faston-type connector, AMP part number
 61761-2. The recommended mating connector is AMP part number 62187-1.
 If wire is used, the hole in J4 will accommodate a maximum wire size
 of 18 AWG. This wire should be grounded to the AC ground or to the
 metal of the computer frame.

 Sector Size
 The drive is shipped from the factory formatted with 512 byte
 sectors. Configuration parameters are default values in all optional
 cases. It is recommended that users reformat the drive with the
 user's sector size, using the Plist and the user's configuration

 Interface Termination
 SCSI devices require proper interface termination. The first device
 and the last device on the daisy chain SCSI bus must be terminated.
 Remove the terminating resistor networks from any devices in between.
 For instance, if the drive is in the middle of the string, remove its

 The devices driving the drive inputs should be open collector devices
 capable of sinking at least 48 milliamps at a voltage level of less
 than 0.5 volts DC (7438 or equivalent).

 Deviices receiving the drive inputs should be SCHMITT trigger type
 to improve noise immunity; 74LS14, 74LS240, or equivalent. The
 initiator should not load bus with more than one standard low power
 Schottky transistor-transistor (LSTTL) input load per line.

 Single Ended signal Termination
 Single ended operation is the mode of operation that is standard for
 all Panther SCSI disk drives. To terminate a drive with the original
 fabrication PCB, install resistor networks in locations RN8, RN6 and
 RN3. To terminate a drive with the common fabrication PCB, install
 resistor networks in locations RN14, RN10 and RN5.

 As shipped (for single ended operation) interface signal lines are
 terminated with three removable 220/330 ohm resistor network packs.
 If for some reason you need to order these resistor network packs,
 please call Maxtor Technical Support at 800-856-5333.

 Differential Signal Termination
 Differential operation is available only as an option ordered from
 the factory. It comes only on the Panther P1 with the common
 fabrication PCB and is known as the P1-17DS. To terminate this drive,
 install resistor networks in locations RN12, RN8, RN3, RN13, RN9 and

 As shipped (for differential operation) interface signal lines are
 terminated with six removable 330/150/330 ohm resistor network packs.

 Removable Faceplate
 The faceplate may be removed in installations where it is not
 required. Remove the two e-clips and unplug the LED cable from the


                      F   E   A   T   U   R   E  S

 UL 478, Standard for Safety, Electronic Processing Units and Systems.

 CSA C22.2 No. 220, 1986, Information Processing and Business
 Equipment (Consumer and Commercial Products).

 VDE 0806/8.81, Safety of Office Appliances and Business Equipment.

 IEC 950 (formerly 380), Safety of Information Technology Equipment.

 FCC, Subpart J of Part 15.

 Caution: Connections between equipment must be made with shielded
 cable, and a shielded power cord must be used to connect AC power to
 the unit.

 The SCSI bus allows for 8 devices to share the bus, but only 2
 devices can communicate on the bus at one time.

 Seek Time
                                          | P1-12DS| P1-17S |
                                          | P0-12S |        |
        Track-to-Track         msec. typ. |   2    |   2    |
                               msec. max. |   2.5  |   2.5  |
                       Average msec. typ. |  13    |   13   |
                       Average msec. max. |  15    |   15   |
        Full Stroke            msec. typ. |  26    |   26   |
                               msec. max. |  30    |   30   |
        Latency                msec. avg. |   8.33 |    8.33|

 Seek Time includes Settling Time but not SCSI Command Overhead.

 Reliability Specifications
 MTBF                   150,000 POH, Typical Usage
 PM                     None Required
 MTTR                   30 Minutes
 Cpmponent Design Life  5 Years

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