N D - 8 7 6 0 E    NEWBURY DATA
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 5.25"/FH              Cylinders    1632|     |     |
Capacity form/unform   677/  769 MB        Heads          15|     |     |
Seek time   / track  16.5/ 2.5 ms          Sector/track   54|     |     |
Controller           ESDI                  Precompensation
Cache/Buffer               KB              Landing Zone
Data transfer rate    1.975 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                            MB/S ext
Recording method     RLL 1/7                        operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C        10 50    |    -40 65
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %         8 80    |      8 80
       standby            W     Altitude    km            3.048| -0.305 12.192
       idle               W     Shock        g         5       |     25
       seek               W     Rotation   RPM      3600
       read/write    27.0 W     Acoustic   dBA
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit
                                MTBF         h     150000
                                Warranty Month
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates     CSA,UL478,VDE                

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T

  PCB Part Number 1014150
  |+--+            +--------+                   ++JP1       |XX
  ||  |RN5            C*B*A* JP41               ++          |XX J2
  |+--+                ++R221          +-JP14               |XX
  |   +-------+        ++              +-+        +---JP42  |XX
  |   |       |        ++R220                     +---+     |
  |   |  U31  |        ++          +-----+      +------DS1  |XX
  |   |       |      +--JP4        | U55 |      +------+    |XX J1
  |   +-------+      +--+          +-----+                  |XX
  |                  +--JP5                                 |XX
  |                  +--+           JP2++JP3   +--------T   |XX
  |              JP16++++++++         ++++ ++  +--------+   |2X
  |                 +++++++++    +++++++++ JP43+--------T   +-+
  |    +----------+           JP24++++++++     +--------++-+  |
  |    |  U42     ++JP15         +++++++++               | J6 |
  |    |          ++      +-+    ++++++++JP32            +-++-+
  |    +----------+       +-+JP6                            |XX Power
  |     ***JP40                                             |XX J3

   Part Number 1014520
  | +-RN12            +J4-----+     JP10 JP1   +JP42        |XX
  | +-+               +-------+      *-* *D +-+++           |XX J2
  |                     ***  JP41     A* *B +-+JP8          |XX
  |                     CBA              *C +-+JP7          |XX
  |                                                         |
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX J1
  |                  JP16----JP23                           |XX
  |                   +++++++++ JP24---JP31                 |XX
  |                   +++++++++  +++++++++  +++++++DS1      |XX
  |                              +++++++++  ++++++++-T+     |XX
  |                             JP9***      +---------+     |2X
  | +-+                            CBA JP4+++--------T+     +-+
  | | J5          ++JP6                JP5||     L4-x    +-J6 |
  | | |           ++                   JP14+     L3-x ++ | |  |
  | +-+                          +++++++++       L2-x ++ +-++-+
  |                              +++++++++       L1-x   JP43|XX Power
  +------------------------------JP32---JP39----------------+xx J3

   Part Number 1015468
  | +-RN12            +J4-----+     JP10 JP1   +JP42        |XX
  | +-+               +-------+      *-* *D +-+++           |XX J2
  |                     ***  JP41     A* *B +-+JP8          |XX
  |                     CBA              *C +-+JP7          |XX
  |                                                         |
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX
  |                  JP16----JP23                           |XX
  |                   +++++++++ JP24---JP31                 |XX  J1
  |                   +++++++++  +++++++++  +++++++DS1      |XX
  |                              +++++++++  ++++++++-T+     |XX
  |                             JP9***      +---------+     |2X
  | +-+                            CBA JP4+++--------T+     +-+
  | | J5          ++JP6        JP2-+   JP5||     L4-x    +-J6 |
  | | |           ++           JP3-+   JP14+     L3-x ++ | |  |
  | +-+           ++JP15         +++++++++       L2-x ++ +-++-+
  |               ++             +++++++++       L1-x   JP43|XX Power
  +------------------------------JP32---JP39----------------+xx J3

   Part Number 1023821/1023856
  | +-RN12            +J4-----+     JP10 JP1   +JP42        |XX
  | +-+               +-------+      *-* *D +-+++           |XX J2
  |                     ***  JP41     A* *B +-+JP8          |XX
  |                     CBA              *C +-+JP7          |XX
  |                                                         |
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |XX
  |                  JP16----JP23                           |XX J1
  |                   +++++++++ JP24---JP31                 |XX
  |                   +++++++++  +++++++++  +++++++DS1      |XX
  |                              +++++++++  ++++++++-T+     |XX
  |                             JP9***      +---------+     |2X
  | +-+                            CBA JP4+++--------T+     +-+
  | | J5          ++JP6                JP5||     L4-x    +-J6 |
  | | |           ++                   JP14+     L3-x ++ | |  |
  | +-+                          +++++++++       L2-x ++ +-++-+
  |                              +++++++++       L1-x   JP43|XX Power
  +------------------------------JP32---JP39----------------+xx J3


                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper setting

 x = Jumpers set at factory

 PCB Identification
 The PCB part number can be found on a label attached to the J3 DC
 power input connector or an the drive serial number label.

 Drive Address Selection Jumper
  |Drive Select  |  Jumper   |
  |Number        |  Installed|
  |x 1           |  DS1      |
  |  2           |  DS2      |
  |  3           |  DS3      |
  |  4           |  DS4      |
  |  5           |  DS5      |
  |  6           |  DS6      |
  |  7           |  DS7      |
 In multidrive configurations, it is necessary to configure each drive
 with a unique address. A maximum of seven drives is permitted per
 host controller. The address for the drive is determined by install-
 ing the jumper plug in the appropriate jumper location.
 Removing the jumper entirely is equivalent to "no select".

 Jumper Selections PCB Part Number 1014150
 | Jumper    | Type| Description                                    |
 | JP1 (IN)  |  F  | Encoded Write Data, TTL                        |
 | JP2 (IN)  |  F  | Need for Phase Margin Testing: ECL Level Clock |
 |           |     | Output = Pin 18 Input = Pin 19.                |
 | JP3 (IN)  |  F  | Used for Phase Margin Testing: ECL Level Data  |
 |           |     | Output = Pin 20. Input = Pin 21.               |
 | JP4 (IN)  |  F  | In = 2,7 Encoding                              |
 | JP5 (IN)  |  F  | In = 15 Mbit/sec Transfer Rate                 |
 | JP6 (IN)  |  C  | In = Motor Remote Spinup Option Disabled       |
 |           |     | OUT = Motor Remote Spinup Option Enabled       |
 | DS1-DS7   |  C  | Drive Select                                   |
 | JP14 (OUT)|  C  | In = Write Protect                             |
 | JP15 (OUT)|  F  | Not Used                                       |
 | JP16-JP29 |  C  | Hard Sector Size                               |
 | JP30      |  C  | Out = Disable ESDI Programmable Sector Size    |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 |           |     | IN = Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size      |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 | JP31      |  C  | In = Soft Sector Mode                          |
 |           |     | Out = Hard Sector Mode                         |
 | JP32-JP35 |  F  | Head Configuration                             |
 | JP36      |  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP37      |  C  | In for 24-Byte PLO Sync Field,                 |
 |           |     | Out for 14-Byte PLO Synchronization Field      |
 | JP38      |  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP39      |  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP40      |  F  | Test jumper                                    |
 | JP41      |  F  | Test Pins (Differential Data Read Signals)     |
 | JP42 (IN) |  F  | Test (WRITE GATE to Flex Circuit)              |
 | JP43 (IN) |  F  | Test Out Disables Onboard RAM                  |
 | R220 (IN) |  F  | Short INDEX Pulse Width (2,8  sec)             |
 | R221*(OUT)|  F  | Normal INDEX Pulse Width (70  sec)             |
 * For normal INDEX pulse width, R221 is installed, R220 is removed.
 C = Customer Configurable, F = Factory Select

 Jumper Selections PCB Part Number 1015468
 | Jumper    | Type| Description                                    |
 | JP1 B-C   |  F  | Encoded Write Data, TTL                        |
 | JP2 (IN)  |  F  | Need for Phase Margin Testing: ECL Level Clock |
 |           |     | Output = Pin 18 Input = Pin 19.                |
 | JP3 (IN)  |  F  | Used for Phase Margin Testing: ECL Level Data  |
 |           |     | Output = Pin 20. Input = Pin 21.               |
 | JP4 (IN)  |  F  | In = 2,7 Encoding                              |
 | JP5 (IN)  |  F  | In = 15 Mbit/sec Transfer Rate (Hard Wired)    |
 | JP6 (IN)  |  C  | In = Motor Remote Spinup Option Disabled       |
 |           |     | OUT = Motor Remote Spinup Option Enabled       |
 | JP7 B-C   |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP8 (OUT) |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP9 A-B   |  C  | INDEX Width Selection, AB = 2.8 sec. BC = 70 s.|
 | JP10 (OUT)|  F  | Write Current Selection                        |
 | DS1-DS7   |  C  | Drive Select                                   |
 | JP14 (OUT)|  C  | In = Write Protect                             |
 | JP15 (OUT)|  F  | Not Used                                       |
 | JP16-JP29 |  C  | Hard Sector Size                               |
 | JP30      |  C  | Out = Disable ESDI Programmable Sector Size    |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 |           |     | IN = Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size      |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 | JP31      |  C  | In = Soft Sector Mode                          |
 |           |     | Out = Hard Sector Mode                         |
 | JP32-JP35 |  F  | Head Configuration                             |
 | JP36 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP37 (OUT)|  C  | In for 24-Byte PLO Sync Field,                 |
 |           |     | Out for 14-Byte PLO Synchronization Field      |
 | JP38 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP39 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP41      |  F  | Test Pins (Differential Data Read Signals)     |
 | JP42 IN AB|  F  | Test (WRITE GATE to Flex Circuit)              |
 | JP43 (IN) |  F  | Test Out Disables Onboard RAM                  |
 C = Customer Configurable, F = Factory Select

 Jumper Selections PCB Part Number 1014520
 | Jumper    | Type| Description                                    |
 | JP1 B-C   |  F  | Encoded Write Data                             |
 | JP4 (OUT) |  F  | Out = 1,7 Encoding                             |
 | JP5 (IN)  |  F  | In = 15 Mbit/sec Transfer Rate (Hard Wire)     |
 | JP6 (IN)  |  C  | In = Motor Remote Spinup Option Disabled       |
 |           |     | OUT = Motor Remote Spinup Option Enabled       |
 | DS1-DS7   |  C  | Drive Select                                   |
 | JP7 B-C   |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP8 (OUT) |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP9 A-B   |  C  | INDEX Width Selection, AB = 2.8 sec. BC = 70 s.|
 | JP10 (IN) |  F  | Write Current Select (Hard Wired)              |
 | JP14 (OUT)|  C  | In = Write Protect                             |
 | JP16-JP29 |  C  | Hard Sector Size                               |
 | JP30 (IN) |  C  | Out = Disable ESDI Programmable Sector Size    |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 |           |     | IN = Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size      |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 | JP31 (OUT)|  C  | In = Soft Sector Mode                          |
 |           |     | Out = Hard Sector Mode                         |
 | JP32-JP35 |  F  | Drive Model Selection                          |
 | JP36 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP37      |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP38 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP39      |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP41 (OUT)|  F  | Test Pins (Differential Data Read Signals)     |
 | JP42 B-C  |  F  | Write Enable Select                            |
 | JP43 (IN) |  F  | Test Out Disables Onboard ROM                  |
 C = Customer Configurable, F = Factory Select

 Jumper Selections PCB Part Number 1023821
 | Jumper    | Type| Description                                    |
 | JP1 B-C   |  F  | Encoded Write Data                             |
 | JP4 (OUT) |  F  | Out = 1,7 Encoding                             |
 | JP5 (IN)  |  F  | In = 15 Mbit/sec Transfer Rate (Hard Wire)     |
 | JP6 (IN)  |  C  | In = Motor Remote Spinup Option Disabled       |
 |           |     | OUT = Motor Remote Spinup Option Enabled       |
 | DS1-DS7   |  C  | Drive Select                                   |
 | JP7 B-C   |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP8 (OUT) |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP9 A-B   |  C  | INDEX Width Selection, AB = 2.8 sec. BC = 70 s.|
 | JP10 (IN) |  F  | Write Current Select (Hard Wired)              |
 | JP14 (OUT)|  C  | In = Write Protect                             |
 | JP16-JP29 |  C  | Hard Sector Size                               |
 | JP30 (IN) |  C  | Out = Disable ESDI Programmable Sector Size    |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 |           |     | IN = Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size      |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 | JP31 (OUT)|  C  | In = Soft Sector Mode                          |
 |           |     | Out = Hard Sector Mode                         |
 | JP32-JP34 |  F  | Drive Model Selection                          |
 | JP36 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP37 (IN) |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP38      |  F  | Model Select 1                                 |
 | JP39 (IN) |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP41 (OUT)|  F  | Test Pins (Differential Data Read Signals)     |
 | JP42 B-C  |  F  | Write Enable Select                            |
 | JP43 (IN) |  F  | Test Out Disables Onboard ROM                  |
 | JP35      |  F  | Model Select 0                                 |
 C = Customer Configurable, F = Factory Select

 Jumper Selections PCB Part Number 1023856
 | Jumper    | Type| Description                                    |
 | JP1 A-B   |  F  | Encoded Write Data                             |
 | JP4 (OUT) |  F  | Out = 1,7 Encoding                             |
 | JP5 (IN)  |  F  | In = 15 Mbit/sec Transfer Rate (Hard Wire)     |
 | JP6 (IN)  |  C  | In = Motor Remote Spinup Option Disabled       |
 |           |     | OUT = Motor Remote Spinup Option Enabled       |
 | DS1-DS7   |  C  | Drive Select                                   |
 | JP7 B-C   |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP8 (OUT) |  C  | Read Gate Delay Option                         |
 | JP9 A-B   |  C  | INDEX Width Selection, AB = 2.8 sec. BC = 70 s.|
 | JP10 (IN) |  F  | Write Current Select (Hard Wired)              |
 | JP14 (OUT)|  C  | In = Write Protect                             |
 | JP16-JP29 |  C  | Hard Sector Size                               |
 | JP30 (IN) |  C  | Out = Disable ESDI Programmable Sector Size    |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 |           |     | IN = Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size      |
 |           |     | (Hard Sector Mode Only)                        |
 | JP31 (OUT)|  C  | In = Soft Sector Mode                          |
 |           |     | Out = Hard Sector Mode                         |
 | JP32-JP34 |  F  | Drive Model Selection                          |
 | JP36 (OUT)|  F  | Reserved                                       |
 | JP37 (IN) |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP38      |  F  | Model Select 1                                 |
 | JP39 (IN) |  F  | Bytes per PLO Sync Field                       |
 | JP41 (OUT)|  F  | Test Pins (Differential Data Read Signals)     |
 | JP42 B-C  |  F  | Write Enable Select                            |
 | JP43 (IN) |  F  | Test Out Disables Onboard ROM                  |
 | JP35      |  F  | Model Select 0                                 |
 C = Customer Configurable, F = Factory Select

 JP37/39  Bytes per PLO Sync Field
   JP39    JP37  Bytes per PLO Sync Field
   OUT     OUT           14
   OUT     IN            24
   IN      OUT           14
   IN      IN            12 This value applies only to drives with
                            firmware revision level M2.2 or higher,
                            otherwise this value is undefined.

 Read Gate Delay Jumpers
 Jumpers JP7 and JP8 have been provided to allow a specified delay to
 be set on the read gate received by the controller. As shipped by the
 factory, these jumpers are configured for zero delay. During applica-
 tion testing, Maxtor has found that many controllers require some
 delay. Maxtor recommends trying 533ns. There is no risk of data
 corruption, however RECORD NOT FOUND errors may occur in testing
 various settings.

 Nominal    | O = OPEN   S = SHORT|
 Delay nsec |    JP8   |    JP7   |
            | A-B  B-C | A-B  B-C |
        0   |  O    O  |  O    O  |
      423   |  S    O  |  S    O  |
      533   |  O    S  |  S    O  |
      633   |  S    O  |  O    O  |
      933   |  O    S  |  O    O  |
     1233   |  O    O  |  S    O  |

 JP32-JP35 Model Selection Jumpers
 Jumpers JP32 through JP35 can be configured to set up to eight
 customer unique model numbers.
 |                       |Request Configuration,Vendor ID(3F00h)|
 |        Jumper         +----------------+---------------------+
 +-----+-----+-----+-----+Before the first|After drive is ready |
 |JP35 |JP34 |JP33 |JP32 |start spindle   +------+------+-------+
 |     |     |     |     |command is exe- |8380E |8760E |8610E  |
 |     |     |     |     |cuted (5300h)*  |      |      |       |
 |     |     |     |     +----------------+------+------+-------+
 | IN  | IN  | IN  | IN  |    0801h       |0802h |0801h |0806h  |
 | IN  | IN  | IN  | OUT |    0821h       |0822h |0821h |0826h  |
 | IN  | IN  | OUT | IN  |    0841h       |0842h |0841h |0846h  |
 | IN  | IN  | OUT | OUT |    0861h       |0862h |0861h |0866h  |
 | IN  | OUT | IN  | IN  |    0881h       |0882h |0881h |0886h  |
 | IN  | OUT | IN  | OUT |    08AIh       |08A2h |08A1h |08A6h  |
 | IN  | OUT | OUT | IN  |    08CIh       |08C2h |08C1h |08C6h  |
 | IN  | OUT | OUT | OUT |    08EIh       |08E2h |08E1h |08E6h  |
 | OUT | IN  | IN  | IN  |    0802h       |0802h |0801h |0806h  |
 | OUT | IN  | IN  | OUT |    0822h       |0822h |0821h |0826h  |
 | OUT | IN  | OUT | IN  |    0842h       |0842h |0841h |0846h  |
 | OUT | IN  | OUT | OUT |    0862h       |0862h |0861h |0866h  |
 | OUT | OUT | IN  | IN  |    0882h       |0882h |0881h |0886h  |
 | OUT | OUT | IN  | OUT |    08A2h       |08A2h |08A1h |08A6h  |
 | OUT | OUT | OUT | IN  |    08C2h       |08C2h |08C1h |08C6h  |
 | OUT | OUT | OUT | OUT |    08E2h       |08E2h |08E1h |08E6h  |
 * The information in this table assumes that JP6 is out; drive is in
 the remote spin mode. If JP6 is in, ignore this column. This table
 applies only to drives with firmwate revision level M2.2 and higher.

 JP14 Write Protect Selection Jumper
 Jumper JP14 is the write protect jumper. When the jumper is present
 (installed), the drive is write protected and can only be read; no
 writing can take place. As shipped from the factory, jumper JP14 is

 JP6 Sequential Spindle Motor Spinup Jumper
 The spindle motor spinup jumper allows a string of drives to be
 started sequentially be the controller. When the jumper is present
 (installed), the drive automatically pins up as soon as power is
 applied. If JP6 is removed, the drive is started by issuing the
 appropriate command from the controller. As shipped from the factory,
 jumper JP6 is installed.

 JP16-JP29  Hard Sector Configuration Jumper
 JP31 selects the mode of operation. When JP31 is installed, it
 configures the drive as a soft sector drive; when removed, it
 configures the drive as a hard sector drive.

 Jumper JP16 through JP29 allow the user to configure the drive's hard
 sector size. The sector size can range from a minimum of 123 to a
 maximum of 31,410 unformatted bytes per sector, with 1 byte

 The hard sector configuration jumpers are encoded in a binary
 fashion, with JP16 being the least significant byte and JP29 being
 the most significant byte. An installed jumper selects the binary

 Jumper JP30, if installed, enables setting the hard sector size over
 the ESDI. The drive must be in hard sector mode (i.e. JP31 removed).

 Jumper |Binary Value for each jumper*
  JP16  |           1
  JP17  |           2     *Used to Determine the Number of Unformatted
  JP18  |           4      Bytes/Sector
  JP19  |           8
  JP20  |          16
  JP21  |          32
  JP22  |          64
  JP23  |         128
  JP24  |         256
  JP25  |         512
  JP26  |        1024
  JP27  |        2048
  JP28  |        4096
  JP29  |        8192

 Customer Configurable Default Settings
 Customer configuration default settings as shipped from the factory
 are identified for PCB 1015468 and PCB 1014520

 JP6       Installed   Automatic Spinup as soon as power is applied
 JP7       B-C         Read Gate Delay = 0ns
 JP8       Removed     Read Gate Delay = 0ns
 JP9       A-B         2 sec INDEX pulse
 DS1-DS7   DS1         Drive Select 1
 JP14      Removed     Write Operation Allowed
 JP16-JP29 JP18,JP19,  604 Bytes/Sec = 52 Sec/Track
 JP30      Installed   Enable ESDI Programmable Sector Size Over
 JP31      Removed     Hard Sector Mode
 JP37      Removed     14 Byte PLO Sync Field

 This table applies only to drives with firmware rev. levels below


                      I   N   S   T   A   L   L

 Notes on Installation

 Installation direction

     horizontally                           vertically
   +-----------------+             +--+                       +--+
   |                 |             |  +-----+           +-----+  |
   |                 |             |  |     |           |     |  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
                                   |  |     |           |     |  |
 +---------------------+           |  +-----+           +-----+  |
 +-+-----------------+-+           +--+                       +--+
   |                 |
   |                 |

 The drive will operate in all axis (6 directions).

 The XT-8000E may be mounted in any orientation. In any final mounting
 configuration, ensure that the operation of the three shock mounts
 which, isolate the base casting from the frame is not restricted.
 Certain switching power suppplies may emanate electrical noise, which
 can degrade the specified read error rate. For best results, orient
 the drive so that the PCB assembly is not adjacent to these noise

 Mounting Holes
 Eight mounting holes, four on the bottom and two on each side, are
 provided for mounting the drive into an enclosure. The size and
 location of these holes are identical to industry standard floppy

 Caution: The casting is very close to the frame mounting holes in
 some locations. Mounting screws lengths must be chosen such that no
 more than 0.125 inch of the screw is available to enter the frame
 mounting hole. The torque applied to the mounting screws must be
 between 9 and 12 inch pounds.

 Installation Requirements
 The XT-8000E must operate in a temperature range between 50*F and
 122*F (10*C and 50*C). The drive should be installed in applications
 where temperature extremes outside of this range are avoided.

 To maintain proper operating temperature, the XT-8000E must be
 mounted in such a way as to ensure adequate airflow.

 Caution: These requirements must be met to ensure proper functioning
 of the drive. If they are not met, data loss and/or permanent damage
 to the drive will result.

 J1/P1 Connector
 Connection to J1 is via a 34-pin OCB edge connector. The pins are
 numbered 1 through 34 with the even pins located on the component
 side of the PCB. Oin 2 is located on the end of the PCB connector
 closet to the DC power connector J3/P3. A key slot is provided
 between pins 4 and 6. The recommended mating connector for P1 is AMP
 ribbon connector, P/N 88373-3.

 J2/P2 Connector
 Connection to J2 is via a 20-pin PCB edge connector. The pins are
 numbered 1 through 20 with the even pins located on the component
 side of the PCB. The recommended mating connector for P2 is AMP
 ribbon connector, P/N 88373-6. A key slot is provided between pins 4
 and 6.

 J3/P3 Connector
 The DC power connector, (J3), is a 4-pin AMP MATE-N-LOCK connector,
 P/N 350543-1 mounted on the solder side of the PCB. The recommended
 mating connector (P3) is AMP P/N 1-480424-0 using AMP pins P/N
 350078-4 (strip) or P/N 61173-4 (loose piece).

 J4/P4 Frame Ground Connector
 The frame fround connector is a Faston type connector, AMP P/N
 61761-2. The recommended mating connector is AMP P/N 62187-1. If wire
 is used, the hole in J4 will accommodate a maximum wire size of 18
 AWG. Normally, this connector is not used.

 J6/P6 Auxiliary Connector
 The auxiliary connector is a Berg 68451-121, 10 pin connector. The
 mating connector is a 3M 3473-6010 connector.

 Removable Faceplate
 The faceplate may be removed in installations where it is not
 required. Remove the two e-clips and unplug the LED cable from the


                      F   E   A   T   U   R   E  S

 UL 478, Standard for Safety, Electronic Processing Units and Systems.

 CSA C22.2 No. 220, 1986, Information Processing and Business
 Equipment (Consumer and Commercial Products).

 VDE 0806/8.81, Safety of Office Appliances and Business Equipment.

 Only the last phyical device on the control cable (J1) in a multi-
 string of drives should be terminated.

 Seek Time
                                        | 8380E  | 8760E  | 8610E  |
      Track-to-Track         msec. typ. |   2.5  |   2.5  |   2.5  |
                             msec. max. |   3    |   3    |   3    |
                     Average msec. typ. |  14.5  |   16.5 |   16   |
                     Average msec. max. |  16    |   18   |   18   |
      Full Stroke            msec. typ. |  32    |   33   |   33   |
                             msec. max. |  35    |   35   |   35   |
      Latency                msec. avg. |   8.33 |    8.33|    8.33|

 Seek Time includes Settling Time.

 Reliability Specifications
 MTBF                    150,000 Hours
 PM                     None Required
 MTTR                   30 Minutes
 Component Design Life  5 Years

Hosted by uCoz